VIP Live is our way of letting you behind the rope – a meet-n-greet with no lines.
Jake Isham, Warehouse Manager, is our featured team member this week.
Jake has been with DWP Live for 6 months AND today is his birthday!
TOP 10+1
- Life motto: And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men. (Col. 3:23)
- Weirdest habit: Humming, tapping, drumming things constantly
- Favorite App: My Fitness Pal
- Favorite musician: Eric Clapton
- Most bizarre thing you’ve eaten: Sea Urchin
- Pet peeve AND the thing that makes you gag? Sour cream (I can barely type the words)
- Nerdiest thing you do: Charting songs just for the fun of it
- Best thing to do on your day off: Anything at all with my family
- Favorite video game: Minecraft
- Favorite part of your job: The people I work with